awfully metal sounding for a funk song. turn down the distortion and turn up the wha. but i like the bass.
awfully metal sounding for a funk song. turn down the distortion and turn up the wha. but i like the bass.
this hurts my ears. seriously
did you know
lucid dream is the title of a clasical song. i just thought you should know because at first i thought you did a techno verson of it... but i was WRONG!!!!!!!!
more like techno
heh...its not really jazz, but don't see how at all its techno? thanks for the review.
tthis rooocks so harrd i ccaann barrllyy ttypeeeeeeee
i liked it
hay, i was just wondering how did you record the chords while playing over it. like do you have some sort of pedal or something because i could really use one of those i just dont know what to get. its a pain to record something with a my mp3 player and then have to listen to it with head phones only to find that i need to record it agen and then wait for the stuff to lod and funble with the controles. its a real pain and i just want to know how you do it
All you need is something like cakewalk. You record the first part. Then when you record the second part you hear the first as your playing. Then when you play it again both are overlapped on eachother.
This recording has a horrible sound, it's actually my amp. I'll tell u wat kinda pedal u need if you pm me what genres you are into and your amp/guitar combo.
-Play on
hi... ill make more later
Age 35, Male
coal miner
... coal mineing school
Pompano Beach
Joined on 2/7/06